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Case studies

SoftNet and Polcom together provide compliance with regulations

Industry:IT, providing software for the banking sector

The company deals with providing banks with comprehensive services within the scope of providing systems, services and technologies required in this sector. The company has been present on the market for 30 years, and its solutions are used by over 140 cooperative banks on the territory of the whole country. SoftNet is a company that specializes in software, technology and services for the financial sector, especially for banking. Its offer includes comprehensive service and support for banking products related to credit services, deposit services, settlements, IT services and online banking in a broad sense.


For a provider of banking systems as well as for financial institutions, specific requirements exist that have to be met so that the applications made available can be approved for using.

The key aspect is data security area, including clients’ personal data and a guarantee of data recovery in the event of their loss. Equally significant is the need for continuous provision of availability of systems and application, also in case of unforeseen events, such as a natural disaster or a hacking attack.

SoftNet provides over 140 Cooperative Banks with its systems, therefore it is obligated to guarantee compliance with all standards and guidelines of the regulators, such as for example PFSA (The Polish Financial Supervision Authority. This area frequently undergoes controls, and the company needs to take care of the adaptation to the changing law and regulations on a continuous basis. That is why SoftNet decided to establish cooperation with Polcom, one of the most modern data centers in Poland that specializes in the compliance provision.



More and more institutions, regardless of the industry, decide to avail themselves of the solutions offered by specialized data processing centers.

The main reason is the provision of international security and quality standards by such type of suppliers.

Such companies as SoftNet are subject to regular controls and have to meet an array of conditions so that their systems can be made available in banks. Cooperation with a data center facilitates adaptation to these requirements. Polcom has been certified within the scope of an appropriate security level of processing of bank card owners’ personal data – PCI DSS. Additionally, it has international certificates, including ISO 27001, ISO 27017. It also meets the EU directives PSD2 and the GDPR requirements.

Thanks to that SoftNet is able to provide its customers with the highest data and application security level without the need to conduct additional specializations within this area. Together with Polcom, the company creates solutions for the banking sector which help institutions meet the guidelines of financial regulators, including PFSA, and protect them against cybercrime.


Key results and benefits

Cost optimization

Thanks to the decision made about cooperation with data center, the company optimized the costs of its business activity.

Flexibility and continuity of action

Quick adjustment to the dynamically changing regulations and a guarantee of continuous availability of the systems.

Guarantee of data security and quality of provided services

Polcom has undergone quality certification which confirms that it meets the standards of information security management – ISO 27001, 27017 and 9001.

Continuous development of offered solutions

Cooperation with Polcom let the company concentrate on the development and improvement of its products.


We have cooperated with Polcom for a few years and this activity yields benefits. We are positively assessed by numerous auditors and other institutions which we are subject to. We provide our customers with a continuous access to systems and applications, guarantee security and cybersecurity on the highest level. Our solutions are compliant with the banking law and guidelines. Together with Polcom, we create better, advanced standards for the banking sector.

Andrzej Data President of the Management Board at SoftNet

The financial industry in a broad sense, among other things, banks, insurance companies as well as companies cooperating with it such as banking system providers are obligated to absolutely respect the standards and requirements imposed by particular law regulators. At Polcom, we help our customers to maintain services on the highest possible level of security and adapt to the dynamically changing provisions and regulations. We have cooperated with SoftNet for years and we are glad that the company chose us as its business partner.

Mariusz Juranek Sales Director at Polcom

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