Data security
Take care of the highest level of data security
According to market data, a key business challenge in the coming years will be ensuring that IT information is adequately secured against various types of attacks and cyberattacks.
In the changing business world, unless you are a security expert, it is very difficult to take care of all aspects of keeping your data safe from loss.
IT data security often keeps businesses up at night, and professional data security is affected by a great many factors. The area of technology as well as all other safeguards must be taken into consideration. Meeting all the requirements is extremely difficult and comes at a huge cost to the business.
Is there any other way to achieve this goal?
Take action!
Corporate data is the core value of an enterprise. Their collection and sharing enable the realization of key business processes. The way they are processed is not only influenced by internal organizational processes, but also by external aspects such as legal standards.
Use the services of a professional data center
At Polcom, we have been taking care of all aspects of secure processing at the level of storage, transmission and protection of data from external attacks for almost 30 years.
Our procedures that limit the influence of the most difficult to control aspect – the human factor – are subject to a process of continuous improvement.
An important element is the staff of people who take care to meet the legislative requirements, which are not always clearly defined. Polcom, using modern security measures, professional staff and the fact that it provides this type of service to many customers simultaneously, guarantees the highest quality of data security and ensures cost optimization.
Comprehensive data security in a service model
We offer information security solutions in the so-called service model, which means that you will pay only for the actual consumption of infrastructure, without incurring unnecessary costs.
Learn more
Investing in services protecting against hacking attacks does not only protect your company against confidential information being stolen but it will also allow you to maintain a positive image in your customers’ eyes.
Secure your data and applications against being lost with the use of services of making backup copies at secure data processing centers.
While deciding on the services provided by an external data center, the duties related to meeting security procedures, maintenance of continuity of operation of devices or data security and their monitoring belong to us.
Move your IT infrastructure to a secure and properly prepared environment with an external data center and leave the security issues to qualified and experienced specialists.
Secure your data and web applications against online attacks. Avail yourself of the service which efficiently identifies and isolates suspicious website traffic.
Detecting security incidents related to personal data and appropriate reaction to this type of attacks is of key importance for companies. Save precious time and choose the fastest way of handling the incidents.
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