

Make IT for business

We operate globally

while supporting international and local business objectives of our customers.

Private Cloud icon

Private Cloud

Private cloud is an efficient and scalable IT environment adapted to the client’s needs. The resources are made available and used by one organization which guarantees an even higher level of data security.
Polcom Oracle Cloud Platform icon

Polcom Oracle Cloud Platform

Efficient and scalable platform of Oracle solutions.
Data Center services icon

Data Center services

Data Center services provide an opportunity to create a comprehensive IT environment, adapted to your needs.
  • Colocation
  • IT management and administrative services
  • Access to the Internet
IT services icon

IT services

Maintenance of infrastructural efficiency is of key significance for the maintenance of efficiency of a company.
  • IT service
  • Virtualization
Business continuity icon

Business continuity

Business continuity of a company depends on many factors. One of them is a possibility of work continuation in the event of a disaster at the company’s registered office.
  • Disaster Recovery Office
  • Backup data center
  • Disaster Recovery
IT Integration icon

IT Integration

Well-configured and secured IT infrastructure is the basis for a modern enterprise. Within the framework of the Integration services we offer the following solutions:  
  • System integration
  • IT Security
  • Network
Polcom Cloud icon

Polcom Cloud

Cloud Computing consists in making computing power and data storage area available upon request, according to the current needs of customers.
  • Polcom CaaS
  • Dedicated servers
  • Migration to cloud
  • Managed Cloud Services
  • Polcom SaaS
  • Polcom PaaS
  • Polcom IaaS
Security as a Service icon

Security as a Service

Within the framework of Security as a Service we offer a full range of solutions which will make it possible to properly secure your company’s data.
  • Data encryption
  • Anomaly detection
  • DoS / DDoS Protection
  • Backup as a Service
  • SOC as a Service

They trusted us

 icon Automotive
 icon E-commerce
 icon Finances and banking
 icon Industry and production
 icon Medicine and pharmaceutics
 icon New technologies
 icon Public sector
 icon Retail i FMCG
 icon Transportation and logistics

Case study

Learn more alt 375 Nationale-Nederlanden supported within business continuity for 5 years

Nationale-Nederlanden has operated in Poland since 2 August 1994. The company are leading insurance providers that secure financial future of customers and their relatives. Nationale-Nederlanden is a part of the…

Learn more alt 375 PFRON uses cloud computing at Polcom

The State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons is an earmarked fund established in 1991. The Fund conducts a broad activity within the scope of financing of professional and…

Learn more alt 375 Creativ-Ceutical uses cloud computing services at Polcom

Creativ-Ceutical is an international consulting company dealing with the support of the “life science” industry within the scope of making strategic decisions, price advisory services, market research and health economics,…

See more

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