Judyta Słodowska

I have seen the cloud from the inside

A journalist's visit to Polcom Data Center

A journalist from Bizblog and Spider’s Web visited the data center facility in Skawina to see what the “cloud looks like from the inside.” Based on this visit and an interview with Polcom’s Vice President and CFO, Robert Czarniewski, a very interesting press material was created.

I cannot write about the specific details of the multi-level security measures I see here, but imagine being in a building that is like a combination of a smaller version of the Pentagon, a modern nuclear power plant, and the headquarters of MI6 from James Bond movies,” that’s how the journalist describes the data center building in Skawina.

Disaster-resistant data center building

In his article, Jacek Bereźnicki particularly emphasizes the high level of security, which is noticeable even before crossing the entrance gate.

I approach the entrance gate, and I already know that it’s not just an ordinary company headquarters. Even though I have an appointment, the guard rigorously checks if I am authorized to enter the premises, and this is just the beginning.

Not only physical security

However, in his article, he not only mentions the building’s security but also the security of customer data stored in the data center. This aspect is also emphasized by Robert Czarniewski:

Our clients do not choose our services based on the building itself, but rather on the level of data security it provides. They have a need for a comprehensive solution that ensures the continuity of their IT systems. Thanks to our facilities, we are able to guarantee that to them.

Obstacles in digital transformation

The material also addressed a very important aspect related to the desire to migrate data to the cloud.

It’s a bit like with the Yeti when it comes to the cloud – everyone has heard of it, but no one has seen it – jokes the Vice President of Polcom. We would really like to convey this message to Polish entrepreneurs: discover how much the cloud can offer you, and you won’t want to give it up he says. It’s not about them necessarily coming to us because we’re not lacking in growth pace, and there are other Polish companies providing such services. But let them consider taking this step, especially during challenging times like now – says Robert Czarniewski.

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