UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group uses Polcom Cloud
UKRSIBBANK is a part of the international BNP Paribas Group, which operates in 65 countries all over the world and has nearly 190 000 employees. UKRSIBBANK provides services through 260 branches spread across Ukraine, thereby serving the 2 million residents of the country.
The war situation in Ukraine has forced a reorganisation of business models, including business continuity of key systems and applications in companies and institutions located there. This also includes financial institutions such as UKRSIBBANK, which have the additional responsibility of ensuring data security, including customer data, and the need to restore it in the event of loss – whatever the case may be.
UKRSIBBANK, which has server rooms in Kiev and Kharkiv – cities that are subject to armed attacks from Russia – in order to continue to provide services to their customers in a continuous and secure manner had to take the decision to secure key banking systems to a safe location. In the given situation, the limited time in which the DR infrastructure should be made available was important for the bank.
Due to border proximity, Poland was a natural choice for the bank in the search for a dedicated solution to secure the business continuity of key assets. It was also significant that BNP Paribas Bank Polska, which is also part of the BNP Paribas Group financial group, uses Polcom’s solutions for, among other things, backup office and cloud computing services. As a result of the demand analysis, UKRSIBBANK decided to implement a Disaster Recovery environment for key applications (including SAP) based on the Polcom cloud. The solution was chosen to provide the bank with an effective management of key environments. At the implementation stage, an extensive customer needs analysis was conducted in the form of training workshops and discussion of 3 implementation scenarios with a list of the benefits of the proposed solutions, in order to maximise the adaptation of the available tools to the customer’s expectations and infrastructure capabilities. The bank decided to choose the optimal solution from a business perspective for environments running on VMware virtualisation. At the same time, Polcom provided a dedicated physical infrastructure under the Oracle system in accordance with the guidelines provided. A customised solution has been implemented that allows further expansion as required. In addition, Polcom offered solutions including protection against cyber-attacks such as DDoS – attacks that have been particularly increased by hackers recently. Considering Polcom’s location, Ukrisbbank also took the opportunity to connect the designed infrastructure with the BNP PARIBAS Group’s global infrastructure to intensify security for DR at every possible level.
The project to prepare and configure the architecture under DR for UKRSIBBANK’s IT by Polcom took about 2 months. The solution selected by Polcom provides rapid recovery of the bank’s IT resources, even in critical situations. This allows the bank to provide services securely and uninterruptedly, and its customers to have uninterrupted access to data.
Business continuity
Cloud-based environment – Disaster Recovery, enables rapid recovery of IT infrastructures in emergency situations
Polcom has its own data centres in Poland and is subject to Polish legislation. In addition, constant monitoring of resources helps to minimise the risk of hacking attacks
Ability to adapt quickly to changing business and economic conditions
UKRSIBBANK had data centres and server rooms in two cities – Kiev – which were the focus of the Russian offensive. Therefore, we decided to move our data centres to another country. Poland was the most natural choice, given the experience of the BNP Paribas Group financial group to which UKRSIBBANK belongs. The most important task was to set up a Disaster Recovery environment for the various systems operating in the bank.
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