- Natalia Gawłowska
State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People
uses cloud computing at Polcom
The State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons is an earmarked fund established in 1991. The Fund aims to be a modern public organization effectively conducting its major operations and initiating innovative, on a Polish and European scale, projects aimed at solving problems of persons with disabilities.
So far, in a traditional model, persons with disabilities had to submit official application forms in a paper form, the yearly number of which equals over half a million, in order to obtain a subsidy from the resources of the Fund.
In order to address these problems, the Fund developed and implemented the Support Service System financed with the resources of the Fund, whose major objective was to increase the availability of support offered to persons with disabilities through the agency of an electronic platform.
Cloud computing is definitely the most advantageous solution for Support Service System which is continuously developing. Thanks to cloud computing scalability we can easily properly react to social needs by implementing new support programs on the platform which results in the increase in availability of support of the Fund for Disabled Persons – Ph.D Dariusz Łazar, project manager of the Service Support System, Department of Programs of the Fund.