PFRON uses cloud computing at Polcom
The State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons is an earmarked fund established in 1991. The Fund conducts a broad activity within the scope of financing of professional and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons. The fund creates its own support programs used by employers, individuals as well as non-governmental organizations.
In Poland, the number of disabled persons reaches almost 5 million.
So far, in a traditional model, persons with disabilities had to submit official application forms in a paper form, the yearly number of which equals over half a million, in order to obtain a subsidy from the resources of the Fund.
In order to address these problems, the Fund developed and implemented the Support Service System financed with the resources of the Fund, whose major objective was to increase the availability of support offered to persons with disabilities through the agency of an electronic platform.
At the time of the project implementation financed within the framework of Operational Program Digital Poland, a key issue occurred, i.e. a guarantee of infrastructure suitable for this demanding application. Due to the fact that the Fund has high expectations within the scope of security, scalability and business continuity, the project team of the Support Service System realized that cloud computing would be the most advantageous solution within the scope of providing appropriate technical infrastructure for the Support Service System.
High requirements resulted in the fact that only certain entities could meet the expectations of the Fund within the framework of public procurement procedure.
Compliance and security of sensitive data
The cloud computing service at Polcom turned out to be the solution which met the highest requirements and was most cost-efficient.
Polcom, as a Polish provider of cloud computing services, met high expectations of the Fund and provided the institutions with the highest standards of IT security, which was a key requirement due to the sensitive nature of data processed by the Support Service System. Securing them properly is an important aspect for the functioning of the application.
Reduction of investment costs
Polcom offered the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons the best financial conditions among all received offers within the framework of the public procurement procedure.
Cost optimization was crucial for a public institution that deals with the activity in the interest of disabled persons. Equally important for the Fund was to incur costs only for the actual use of the infrastructure.
Cloud computing adjusted to the needs
The Support Service System requires appropriate scalability. Giving access to IT infrastructure in the service model (cloud computing) makes it possible to dynamically increase or decrease the computational power depending on the current needs, which was of great importance in the course of choosing this type of service by the Fund.
Implementation of support programs
As a result of the Support Service System, self-governmental unit and later the Fund are able to efficiently manage flowing application forms and create new support programs suited to the reality that surrounds us. There is no doubt that the Support Service System financed with the resources of the Fund is a solution which facilitates settling a matter, moving around the jungle of regulations, counteracts extortion and increases the level of digitalization of self-governmental units.
Cost optimization
Cloud computing model made it possible to save almost 30% in comparison with own infrastructure.
The Support Service System is a continually developing system which requires flexible infrastructure. Cloud computing makes it possible to increase the demand for computational power at any time.
Data processing security
Polcom Data Center guarantees the highest security level of services confirmed by international certificates.
Business continuity maintenance
Polcom guarantees business continuity maintenance and reduces to a minimum lack of service availability in case of unforeseen events.

Cloud computing Cloud computing is definitely the most advantageous solution for Support Service System which is continuously developing. Thanks to cloud computing scalability we can easily properly react to social needs by implementing new support programs on the platform which results in the increase in availability of support of the Fund for Disabled Persons.
Having at our disposal independent and scalable infrastructure, operating 24/7, we are able to offer electronic application for financial resources without leaving home and possibility of remote service of applicants by self-governmental units which became particularly significant in the period of restrictions. While making a decision about Polcom’s cloud computing services, we were guided by the conviction that it will be a secure and cost-optimal solution. Thanks to cost optimization, we are able to invest saved resources in increasing support for persons with disabilities, therefore we are becoming more and more convinced that choosing cloud computing was a good decision.

Only few years ago state institutions relatively seldom reached for cloud computing solutions.
However, nowadays there are more and more innovative institutions such as the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons which exploit the potential of digitalization and cloud computing in this sector. Cloud computing constitutes a great potential for offices and institutions because it does not only help to reduce the costs of maintenance of one’s own infrastructure and guarantees data security but also, thanks to is flexibility, makes it possible to adapt to changing needs more quickly.
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