- Judyta Słodowska
IT security crucial in the financial sector
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In current difficult times financial institutions are particularly vulnerable to hacking attacks. The unstable economic situation, fluctuations in the market, changing regulations and consumer expectations, alternative business models, or the war in Ukraine have a direct impact on their functioning. For this reason, the financial sector is forced to adopt a strategy that allows for quick adaptation to the new reality and increase their cyber security.
Tailored infrastructure
According to the PSD2 directive, banks must provide their customers’ data through a dedicated API interface, which ensures integration with various entities’ systems. This also enables the implementation of modern solutions in the field of banking and payment services. As a result, the number of processed data will significantly increase.
According to estimates, by 2025, the amount of data generated worldwide will exceed 175 zettabytes. This is almost five times more than today – says Robert Czarniewski, Vice President and CFO at Polcom.
In light of the above, it is not surprising that there is a constant need to expand IT environments to ensure their efficiency. Cloud computing can be helpful in this regard. Cloud services allow for quick adaptation to changing market needs. The scalability of the platform minimizes the risks associated with a lack of sufficient computing power, which is essential for managing key processes by financial institutions.
Secure IT environment
Increasing the amount of processed data generates the need to increase their security level.
As the main provider of cloud services in Poland, we have a slightly broader perspective and see the full spectrum of various types of attacks, their technological and functional diversity on a daily basis. Therefore, the conclusion that truly secure organizations are those that look at this aspect in a holistic way, and not as some package of unrelated solutions, suggests itself – summarizes Robert Czarniewski.
Actions aimed at improving the company’s security should therefore become key when planning a business strategy. This requires the implementation of modern technological solutions that will provide not only protection but also continuous monitoring of potential threats.
One such solution is cloud computing, which significantly facilitates the implementation of new operational models and ensures compliance with the requirements placed on financial institutions.