Aplikacje biznesowe chmura — co to jest Cloud Computing? background
Mariusz Firganek

What is cloud computing?

Everything you should know about it

What is cloud computing? This question I was once asked by one of my client. I started to explain and it occurred to me then that there is no one good definition of cloud computing, and approach to the matter without question for whom it would be used could introduce some complications to this – apparently simple – subject.

Aplikacje biznesowe chmura — co to jest Cloud Computing?

Generally speaking, cloud computing is one of the data processing system involving remote provision of computing power by externals entities. However, we must give the truth to those who claim it is really difficult to define cloud. The reason may be the fact that cloud is perceived quite differently by individuals, enterprises and public institution.


A functional definition of cloud computing

It is also challenging to have a clear definition on how cloud computing works, since the list of possible applications is as long as the imagination, skills or needs of those who use it.

That is why below I present a few specific examples that may bring closer the concept of what cloud computing is and what its applications are without formulate specific definitions. Definitions that sometimes, instead of helping, can lead us astray from unambiguity. And the cloud is not unambiguous – I have already proved it.


What is cloud computing for?

Today, almost everyone uses cloud computing. Do you have an e-mail inbox at work? Believe or not but by using many online applications in your daily life – including email – you are also dealing with the cloud.

Do you use a shared drive with company files that are essential for your work or private vacation photos? Working remotely, when you log in do you have an access to files and applications even though they are not locally on your notebook? If you answered yes to at least some of these questions, it means that you are already very familiar with cloud computing.


Not every cloud is the same

So to answer the question, Cloud computing – what is it?, it is actually any environment, system or application accessible via an Internet connection. However, is every cloud the same? Definitely not. Cloud computing and its sharing models will vary depending on the needs of its users. For example:

Example 1: For a private user it is the service which can be purchased via Internet access and used for free or for a fee – this is often in case of virtual drives,  streaming or e-mail.

Example 2: For a manufacturing company, it will be a service providing access by an external vendor the entire IT infrastructure, which is necessary to launch a production process – from the application layer, such as an ERP system, to servers and arrays.

However, it is hard o believe that both the first and the second examples are almost model cases of cloud computing.


Basic types of cloud computing

At this point, it is worthy to add that companies – depending on what type of data is intended to process – use different type of clouds.

  • Private cloud – dedicated infrastructure serving only a particular organization, which can be located off-site as an external service. The service does not have to be managed by an external provider.
  • Public cloud – a service offered by a cloud computing provider based on shared infrastructure, managed by service provider
  • Hybrid environment – a combination of private and public cloud principles. Some of client’s application and infrastructure run on private infrastructure and some are located in shared space or on equipment which belongs to the client.


To sum up: cloud computing – what is it?

Simply speaking, cloud computing is the data processing in the cloud. But to be more specific, it is use of external resources that help computers with storing, managing, processing and/or transmit information. The external systems are hosted in the cloud (or the Internet) rather than on a computer or other local storage. They can range from e-mail servers to software programs, data storage and even augmenting a computer performance.

“Cloud” is a term that means “Internet”. Computing includes infrastructure and systems that enable a computer to run and build, deploy or interact with information. In case of processing in cloud this means that instead of hosting your infrastructure, systems or application on a hard drive or local server, they are maintained on virtual/online servers that connect to your computer via secure networks.

Whether, we are talking about private cloud or a cloud for small, medium or large companies, we should always think how the provider would care about security of service provided. Contrary to the popular opinion, each cloud has its unambiguous localization. This location is most often a data center, where physical servers and other equipment on which cloud computing services are provided. The security of the cloud, and by extension our data, depends on this place – the degree of safety, the people working there, the certifications and security systems in place.

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