- Judyta Słodowska
What are differences between IaaS, PaaS and Saas?
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The clouds fits many different names such as cloud computing or processing on the cloud. Although the simples way is to provide computing power in a service model, there are different ways to provide this type of service.
The main difference between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS are the range and way to make particular resources available. Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service are the most popular models of cloud services.
What are differences between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS? Here are key differentiators.
What is SaaS?
SaaS, or software as a service involves making specific applications available via the Internet. This solution ensures that users do not need to install additional software on their computers or, most importantly, invest in additional hardware and licenses.
SaaS, also known as a cloud application, is a ready-made tool available via a public network, most often in a subscription model. The user has no need to trouble with operating or maintaining the tool, because he or she receives a ready-made solution, managed fully by the supplier.
What is PaaS?
In the case of the PaaS model, or platform as a service, user receives a prepared and properly configured cloud environment from the service provider, which can use and manage any application.
In PaaS model the service provider is responsible for handling the storage, network and servers. The user gets an access to environment dedicated to create and implement applications. He or she does not need to have knowledge of system administration or infrastructure operation, as the provider is in charge of such areas.
What is Iaas?
IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service – cloud service provider gives users access to a complete IT infrastructure, including network services, virtual servers, computing power, storage and operating systems in a subscription model. It means that user’s fee are changing according to the current usage.
SaaS/PaaS/IaaS – differences
SaaS, PaaS, IaaS are different cloud services models user choose depending on their needs, size of their business or IT resources. Each of these solutions is properly configured and customized to meet the current needs. Right choice of solutions help to gain competitive advantages and achieve real benefits, such as cost optimization and possibility to invest in business development. What are main differences between IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS?
A model for providing specific solutions
The biggest differences between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS are in types of solutions provided.
Software as a Service provides applications via Internet, in the Platform as a Service model provider delivers an environment perfect to create and manage resources, Infrastructure as a Service, on the other hand, gives an access to a customized IT environment with fees based on current usage.
Who takes advantage of cloud computing services?
There is no rigid rule as to which model: SaaS, PaaS o IaaS is the most effective. It all depends on company needs and the advancement of IT environments.
As a result, many factors determine the choice of a particular model. This is why before making a decision it is worth talking to specialists who are able to match solution to the needs of our business.