Digital transformation has the potential to solve many of the challenges of IT managements in manufacturing and change the face of companies. Improving the security of systems and data and ensuring business continuity are top priorities in building an IT strategy, and the determinant towards digitalisation is cloud solutions.
Polcom, in collaboration with Intel, conducted a survey, on the basis of which the company elaborated an industry report: Industry 4.0 – a step towards industrial security. The data shows that the largest percentage of companies are reaching for cloud computing services for greater security and to support existing business processes.
Data security in the cloud
Cloud computing is a solution with a number of benefits, and an increasing percentage of industrial and manufacturing companies are aware of this. These include security and ensuring business continuity for the company, and this answer was given most (86 percent) in the report when asked about the biggest priorities in building an IT strategy, the areas where digitalisation brings the best results and the most urgent and important investments in the company’s digitalisation.
Digital transformation therefore poses a new challenges for IT departments, a significant proportion of which are the aftermath of business expectations. Number one on the list is security, which should be gradually improved and the solutions used should keep pace with changing threats. The entails the need to expand IT environments to make them sufficiently efficient and to find the right staff and new competences, e.g. in the area of cloud computing. It is worth mentioning that 36 percent of all respondents consider this to be a problem they will face in the course of the year – says Robert Czarniewski, Vice-President and CFO at Polcom.
Appreciated innovations
More than a half of those questioned in the survey appreciate the innovation of cloud solutions, which are constantly developed, also in terms of security services. According to 35 percent of surveyed, cloud computing provides guarantee the highest level of security. And given the number of audits and certifications and the range of security measures applied by professional data centers. It is hard to disagree.
Respondent to the survey indicated that the level of security of cloud solutions, technical and migration support, and the fact that data centers are located in Poland are the most important features that a cloud provider should have.
These results fit perfectly with the other findings of the survey. Increased security and the desire to increase cloud competence, here through the possibility pf external support, will be the most important arguments choosing a service provider – underlines Robert Czarniewski.