Skanska S.A. in Polcom’s cloud computing
Skanska S.A. belongs to Skanska Group whose history dates back to 1887. The group belongs to the largest construction and property development companies in the world. It employs approximately 38 thousand people in Poland and in the United States, reaching, in 2018, the revenues of 170 billion SEK.
Rapid development of technology completely redefined the model of activity of companies operating in the construction sector.
Nowadays, competitiveness of enterprises depends on their speed, flexibility and continuous availability of systems, and smooth and reliable communication. Skanska also follows this path by systematically introducing new IT and data security solutions.
While making a decision about the service provider of cloud computing solutions, Skanska was guided, above all, by easy scalability of resources and lack of necessity to purchase and maintain additional hardware, which in the future results in efficient optimization of the investment expenditures.
The change of the model of resources and service management to the one that better suits contemporary business reality was also significant.
Skanska S.A. strengthened its data security even more and, at the same time, reduced expenditures in the IT area.
To achieve this objective, it moved its IT resources to the cloud computing and data center that belong to Polcom. It is an element of a broader strategy of Skanska S.A. that is concentrated on the provision of more and more efficient solutions for business and services precisely suited to the employees’ needs.
Polcom’s cloud computing guarantees almost 100% of availability of IT environments and meets international security and quality standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and ISO 27017. The cloud architecture operates on the basis of two data processing centers that belong to Polcom, which are connected with each other by the optic fiber. Such solution is unique on the Polish scale and guarantees the highest level of IT security.
Cost optimization
Skanska reduced the expenses in the IT area.
Skanska is able to respond to the changing needs of business and company’s employees in a more efficient way.
Data security
Polcom’s cloud computing guarantees almost 100% of availability of IT environments and meets international security and quality standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and ISO 27017.
We decided to transfer our resources to the cloud in order to fully concentrate on the key elements, from the business perspective, that is on the provided services instead of infrastructure maintenance. Thanks to that we are able to respond to the changing needs of business and company’s employees in a more efficient way. The future of Skanska’s IT resources is in the cloud, whereas infrastructure migration and change in the way of its management and maintenance is the beginning of an evolution.
The key criterion for us in the IT are as well as on every construction site is safety. Apart from great flexibility and modern infrastructure, it was this very element that decided about the choice of a partner responsible for transferring Skanska’s resources to the cloud. The Polish company Polcom that apart from the highest security standards offered to us, an innovative and extremely user-friendly resource management model satisfied all these expectations.
Interest in cloud computing services among companies from the industrial and construction branches.
In the era of digitalization, Polish and international organizations more and more frequently choose the cloud model because it provides them with greater business flexibility and moves the balance point of financing IT projects towards OPEX.
We are glad that from now on Skanska, one of the leaders of the construction and property development industry in Poland and Europe, will also use such services.
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