- Karolina Wierzbic
Business facing cyber threats
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According to a report published by Iron Mountain, 77 percent of companies have experienced a ransomware attack, which is considered the most threatening to business continuity. Returning to normalcy requires a time-consuming, tedious, and often costly process. Why are currently 91 percent of the surveyed entrepreneurs afraid of hackers?
The rise of cybercrime
Over the past few years, the number of cyber-attacks has increased almost fivefold. Polish companies are increasingly falling victim to these attacks. According to Check Point Research, entrepreneurs have to defend themselves an average of 938 times a week.
Estimates suggest that 8 out of 10 cyber-attacks aim to encrypt corporate data and then demand a specific amount for their restoration. Typically, the ransom amount is around several hundred thousand zlotys. The costs incurred by the attacked companies partially reflect on their customers, for example, through rising service prices.
According to Cybersecurity Ventures, in 2021 the damage caused by cybercriminals will close in on $6 trillion. In 2015, it was around $3 trillion. By 2025, the losses will reach $10.5 trillion annually – calculates Piotr Szypułka, director of infrastructure maintenance at Polcom.
Secure IT, secure business. But is it just that?
Currently, in the era of advancing digitization, entrepreneurs are increasingly deciding to implement cloud solutions. This is aimed at increasing security for sensitive resources, but not only that.
Digital transformation is a significant challenge for businesses. However, everyone agrees that there is no turning back now. Therefore, it is not surprising that cloud solutions – allowing for scalability and significant acceleration of IT project implementation – have gained popularity during the pandemic. Currently, as many as 93% of companies surveyed by us are taking action in the area of digital transformation, and cloud solutions are a significant element of this strategy. Another visible trend that we noticed in 2022 is that companies increasingly see the need to invest in protection against attacks and solutions related to cybersecurity. This trend is noticeable regardless of the represented industry or the size of the business, both in the larger companies sector and in SMEs. This is another aspect that determines the growing popularity of the cloud because it provides incomparably greater data security possibilities without the need for significant investments in additional hardware or software – says Marcin Gwóźdź, CEO of Polcom, for the Polcom and Intel report on IT investments towards the development of Polish companies in 2021-2022. Cloud and new technologies.