- Natalia Gawłowska
President of Polcom for Money
The cloud triggers digital transformation of business
In his last interview Marcin Gwóźdź, the President of Polcom, speaks, among others, about how contemporary business has changed under the influence of digital transformation and about challenges entrepreneurs must face nowadays.
As he says, Digitalization resulted in the fact that business processes must be carried out quickly and efficiently. A change ceases to be something unexpected, instead it becomes even a desirable element. The IDG tests conducted among business decision-makers may be recalled at this point. They indicate that more than 90% of the respondents claim that making initiatives in the sphere of technology and digitalization influences the increase in competitiveness of their companies on the market. The solutions which make flexible adaptation to business requirements and control over operational costs possible and do not entail high investment risk are becoming particularly significant in such situations.
It is obvious that companies do not want to incur the investment risk related to the purchase of infrastructure and calibrating solutions, and at the same time want to maintain the speed of implementation. It is a difficult task, but it is possible if you reach for cloud resources.