- Paweł Kruszec
Migrating data to the cloud
Is it safe?
Many companies still seems to be skeptical about digitalization and cloud solutions. What is the reason for this. Reading numerous reports and talking to professionals I come to a conclusion that the main problem is too little knowledge about the cloud and lack of certainty whether it is safe. So is it really safe? Below I present my point of view.
The biggest objections to cloud data migration are about data security and the location of data processing. In fact, the most important thing when deciding to migrate cloud data is a very careful analysis – both of the chosen data center and the location where data will be stored. This allows you to find the right cloud solution provider and gain confidence that your data is fully secure.
Cyberattacks verify quality of IT resources
I know from my experience that decision to migrate resources to the cloud is incredibly difficult, but often crucial for companies with their own server rooms. During sales conversations I confront the belief that they have the best security, the latest software and skilled IT staff. Unfortunately this could be verified only after first successful hacking attack.
Security vs. cloud migration
The still low popularity of IT outsourcing solutions means that many companies continue to invest thousands of money to build better or worse IT environments without realizing that such properly scaled solutions can be available to them almost immediately, almost on the second day of signing the contract. Many of you are probably asking yourselves, after reading this sentence, whether it’s even possible to take your business-critical data outside and still keep it safe. Thereby asking yourself: what impact does cloud migration have on the security and continuity of my business? Let me explain.
What are the benefits of cloud services?
Cloud solutions are characterized by, among other things, unlimited scalability to meet current business needs, rapid adaptation and even faster response to changing market conditions. Polcom’s customers value these aspects mainly because they gain sense of security and free their internal IT resources, being able to focus on core business.
Professional data centers have redundant solutions for power supply, cooling and extinguish possible fires, without affecting stored data. Polcom – among other things, by having power generators with fuel reserves for a minimum of 72h, UPSs and a photovoltaic farm – is prepared for prolonged power outages, thus guaranteeing the continuity of customers’ businesses It is difficult that a company of which this is not the basis of operations would invest resources in similar systems to adequately secure this area.
Security confirmed by certyficates
DCs also guarantee security when migrating to the cloud through the certificates they hold. Data centers periodically undergo rigorous audits, both external and internal, in addition each customer is able to arrange own audit and verify the important areas. Considering the topic of cloud migration security, it is impossible to ignore the issue raised at the beginning of the article – hacking attacks. Companies such as Polcom, specialized in IT services, provide professional tools against cybercrime, monitoring the infrastructure through SIEM-type systems, and have their own Security Operation Center teams working in a 24/7/365 days a year regime – all this ensures that attacks on the network are reduced to a minimum.
Is it safe to migrate data to the cloud?
When moving data to the cloud it is also worth paying attention to the availability of data in case of unexpected events. For the cloud computing services offered by Polcom, as part of a separate Service Level Agreement, data stored in the cloud is available at 99.99% per year, and potential hardware failures are dealt with immediately upon detection and with the contractual SLA.
All these arguments indicate that professional data centers provide security during cloud migration and are the best place to store your data.