Aplikacje biznesowe chmura — co to jest Cloud Computing? background
Natalia Gawłowska

Is the cloud only a model

of using IT infrastructure?

Is the cloud only a model of using IT infrastructure? Absolutely not. For mature companies, relationships with the supplier and standardization of cloud services are the most significant.

Aplikacje biznesowe chmura — co to jest Cloud Computing?

Most of our customers are companies operating on an international scale for whom data security in the cloud and clearly defined principles of cooperation are particularly important. That is why many of them appreciate the fact that Polcom holds the ISO 27017 certificate. The international ISO 27017 standard specifies a range of procedures and good practices concerning security of information within the framework of implemented cloud services. It also takes into consideration guidelines and instructions for suppliers and users of such solutions. Thus, the standard does not only refer to quality management on the part of suppliers, but also to their relationships with customers who they provide with cloud computing services.

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