Judyta Słodowska

Move your company data to the cloud

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Cloud computing has become an integral part of how modern organization operate. For entrepreneur, migrating company resources to the cloud is a step into the future that provides scalability, flexibility and new opportunities. It is not just a trend but also a revolution in the way business has operated so far. What is working in the cloud and what benefits does it bring to companies?

Jakie korzyści płyną z migracji danych

Cloud in practice

The cloud working model is based on access to IT resources such as servers, databases or software via Internet. This means that employees are able to freely fulfil their duties from anywhere in the world with access to network. As a result, there is no need to bear the costs associated with maintaining own IT infrastructure, which requires constant modernization.

Advantages of working in the cloud

1. Security od stored data

Cloud providers invest heavily in security and additional services. As a result, data is often better protected than in a traditional model. What’s more, with backup and Disaster Recovery services, data can be quickly restored in the event of a disaster, and this significantly minimises the risk of losing important company information.

2. Flexibility and scalability

Companies can adapt the cloud computing power resources to changing needs in real time. There is no need to invest in expensive hardware to increase computing power or storage space. All that is required is to contact cloud service provider who does it instead.

3. Saving time and money

The cloud significantly reduces the cost associated with maintaining IT infrastructure and saves time by automation of key companies processes. Firms can concentrate on the core business activities, which directly impact growth and build competitive advantages.

Modern solution for business

Work in the cloud is an evolution towards modern organization. Data security, scalability, saving time and money and flexibility are key advantages of this model. It is therefore worth to consider the migration of company resources to secure cloud as one of the goals in the quest to increase business competitiveness and efficiency.

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