- Judyta Słodowska
Digitization the answer to the crisis
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The pandemic and the associated lockdowns, economic slowdown, and inflation make the current business environment face an unprecedented challenge. Companies are trying to quickly increase their efficiency to deal with their technological debt. Although catching up is a time-consuming process, digitization is the hope for its acceleration.
Investment optimization
According to the “Cloud and New Technologies” report published by Polcom and Intel, 69% of respondents associate new technologies not only with gaining a competitive advantage, but above all with a way to streamline the operation of the entire organization and cope with technological debt.
Moving business to the cloud allows for a reduction in expenses on hardware or software. This is a result of transferring responsibility for maintenance and ongoing updating of infrastructure to the provider.
However, this is not the only benefit of migrating resources to the cloud environment.
Thanks to the cloud and digitization, companies are adapting to trends at a pace never seen before. Leaders set new trends by dynamically responding to market needs – using the computational resources of the cloud. The lack of a need to independently build infrastructure dramatically shortens the time to implement new solutions. The cloud allows for a competitive advantage right from the start and allows companies to focus on the solution itself, without worrying about limitations of available computing power and their own investment capabilities – says Mateusz Borkowski, Head of Global IT and Digital Strategy at DSI Underground.
Improving the efficiency of operations
Digitization allows for increased security and ensures the continuity of organizational operations, streamlines data and resource management processes, accelerates and increases the accuracy of the sales process, and automates reporting. Furthermore, digitization has a positive impact on team productivity by eliminating human errors and facilitating strategic decision-making.
In light of the above, it is not surprising that in today’s world, digital transformation has become the standard for most entities from various market sectors. Currently, the implementation of cloud solutions is an integral part of running a business.
More on this topic can be found in our latest report “IT Investments in Times of Crisis. Cloud and New Technologies. Perspective for 2022-2023”.