Transformacja cyfrowa w Polsce background
Paweł Kruszec

Digitalization in Poland

How is it going?

Polish entrepreneurs are aware of the benefits that come with digital transformation of the organization, moving resources to the cloud and raising the level of cybersecurity. Implementing modern solutions is crucial to maintaining the pace of development, preserving business flexibility and standing out of the competition. It is therefore not surprising that more and more companies are planning a budget for the implementation of modern solutions.

Investments in digitalization

The latest report from Polcom and Intel “IT investments in the time of crisis” shows that majority of surveyed organizations do not plan to reduce IT spending, and a half of them even want to increase it, particularly in the areas related to the implementation of the new technologies or facilitating remote work. Moreover, according to IDC predictions, IT-related expenses in Europe will increase by 5 percent annually since 2006.

Digitalization according the plan

Digital transformation is not only related to expenses but also to having specialized knowledge and competences in implementation of modern solutions. However, according to the by KPMG study “Digital Business Transformation Monitor” only about 20 percent of organizations in Poland have clearly formulated digital transformation strategy. What should be taken care of during the digitalization of a company?

Organizations should be aware of their short- and long-term business goals and then align them with specific areas of the operations, including IT. Having a digitalization strategy is not common in Polish companies, but defining goals and building IT models based on them are very important step. A proper and well-thought-out strategy and investments in digital technology are the best way to improve market position – says Mariusz Juranek, Sales Director at Polcom.

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