- Karolina Wierzbic
Data center market in Poland
What is it like?
Due to the ongoing digitization, more and more companies are deciding to migrate their resources to the cloud. As a result, there has been an increased demand for services from professional data centers in recent years. What characterizes the data center market in Poland?
DC within reach
The report “Cloud cybersecurity among medium and large enterprises and in the GovTech sector in Poland in 2022”, commissioned by Polska Chmura, shows that currently 88% of respondents expect cloud service providers to have their own data centers in Poland.
Polish entrepreneurs value direct contact with the provider and the fact that data migration can take place within one country. The ease of arranging a visit to a chosen data center and the opportunity to see with their own eyes how data is collected and secured is also important.
Global investment in Polish DC
Providers must meet a number of standards and requirements imposed by national and European regulators. This, in turn, translates into building credibility and trust in the eyes of customers.
According to experts, the Polish market is not yet fully utilized, but in the next few years, it may catch up with its Western European neighbors and become a new hub for Europe. This is due, among other things, to the country’s strategic location, which allows for connections to the main data center markets, such as Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. It is not surprising, then, that data centers located in Poland are gaining increasing interest from foreign entities.
High quality services
According to Wiesław Wilk, the Chairman of the Polish Cloud Association, data centers located in Poland are associated with high-quality standards.
Today, Polish data centers are the first choice for businesses and GovTech, appreciated for their potential in human and technological capital, as well as exceptional relationships. The “made in Poland” label for data centers is not only about cybersecurity, but also about quality, understanding the realities and challenges specific to businesses in a given country, successful cooperation, and a flexible offer tailored to individual needs.