- Karolina Wierzbic
Cloud computing
in the context of building competitive advantage
Investment savings, operational improvement and cybersecurity are crucial for every modern business. We live in time when gaining a competitive advantage has become one of the most important challenges facing companies today. In this context, the cloud can prove invaluable in achieving key business strategies.
Cloud copmuting versus cost optimization
The costs associated with maintaining own servers are one of the largest expenses related to IT. Thanks to the cloud computing model, which involves providing computing powers as a part of monthly subscription, organizations do not have to invest in the own infrastructure and software. Companies may take advantage of a flexible and scalable IT platform that can be adjusted to the current business needs for excessive investments in computing power. Cloud customers only pay for the resources that are actually used. As a result, costs are more predictable.
Cloud computing versus bussines efficiency
Cloud computing ensures increased scalability, allowing companies to easily adjust resources to current market trends and changing customers needs. During peak sales periods organizations can effortlessly ang quickly increase resources, while during demand drops, they may decrease the required computing power. Additionally, in the case of launching new applications or increasing of the volume of processed data, companies can adjust the technical parameters of the environment that is currently needed.
Cloud computing versus cybersecurity
According to the Polcom and Intel report “IT Investments in Times of Crisis. Cloud and New Technologies. Perspective for 2022-2023” 19 percent of surveyed entrepreneurs have knowledge about an attack on a business partner’s systems, while 15 percent of companies have experienced an attack on their own IT systems. Therefore, it’s not surprising that 53 percent of companies have already implemented cybersecurity measures.
In these unstable times with increasing inflation, cost optimization and security are given top priority in businesses. These data show that a real chance to build competitive advantages – also through investments in new technologies and digitization – is possible when a company is one step ahead of the competition and is able to properly assess risks and threats – says Jarosław Grzona, IT Systems Administrator at Armatura Kraków.