NEO Hospital relies on the Polcom’s Cloud
NEO Hospital is a group of medical units which includes: Szpital na Klinach in Kraków, The Robotic Surgery Centre and a group of ambulatory consulting rooms. The main objective of the organization is to provide its patients with the highest standard of health care. The Group’s activity facilitates patients’ quick recovery, and at the same time return to full life and professional activity.
Reliable and efficient IT area management is crucial in the area of activity of the NEO Hospital Group.
That is why from the beginning the company wanted to find a solution that would meet expectations related to its main assumptions, i.e. cost optimization and increase in productivity. Additionally, with regard to processing and storing a constantly increasing number of patients’ sensitive data, NEO Hospital was searching for a solution that would guarantee the highest data security level and possibility of flexible scaling of the environment. Proper security of data and guarantee of continuity of operations of IT systems was also a challenge for the Group since an on-going access to patients’ medical data may be of key significance for their life and health.
A thorough market analysis indicated that the best solution meeting the highest requirements within the scope of data security is the cloud computing service at Polcom.
Scalability – a remedy for difficult times
The service enabled the Group to increase or decrease computational power depending on the current needs. The fact that the choice was right was proven by the current situation when during the coronavirus pandemic the number of processed data suddenly decreased. The service model caused the company to incur only the cost for the actual use of infrastructure which, at the same time, contributed to optimization of costs of operations in this difficult period of time.
Quality and security standards
For medical industry, security of data, including patients’ medical data, is of key importance. Polcom has numerous certificates within the scope of data protection and quality, including ISO 27001, ISO 27017 or ISO 9001. That is why NEO Hospital obtained a guarantee of security on the highest, international level.
Data monitoring and archiving
Meeting the highest standards and requirements within the scope of quality and security of provided services makes it possible to maintain continuity of operations of the key systems. Thanks to that, the users have a continuous access to applications available at NEO Hospital, even if unforeseen events occur.
The services are supervised 24/7 by experienced Polcom’s engineers which guarantees a continuous access to data.
Additionally, comprehensive making of backup copies provides an opportunity to recover data in the event of their loss. Within the framework of the increase in the security level, the data are stored in at least two copies, each at one of the Polcom’s centers.
Space for innovation
Polcom Cloud provided NEO Hospital Group with stability of ICT systems and cost optimization. Thanks to that, the company may initiate new, innovative projects based on top quality tools and conduct its operations on the basis of lean management. Moreover, cloud computing services also assume full scalability and freedom of action which limits the investments in the IT hardware.
Cost optimization
Reduction of investment in IT infrastructure.
Scalable IT environment
Possibility of quick adaptation to the changing needs.
Data security
The highest data security level confirmed by international certificates.
Stability of systems
Continuous access to the data of medical patients.
Data archiving
Possibility of data recovery in the event of their loss.
Guided by the choice of an appropriate solution, we cared about providing our patients with the highest possible security level. Polcom turned out to be a reliable partner who does not only fulfil the conditions specified in the agreement, but also tries to meet our current needs.
The main objective of our activity is to create innovative medical solutions, and cooperation with Polcom helps us to execute these assumptions.
Czas pandemii pokazał, że coraz więcej firm z poszczególnych obszarów działalności decyduje się na korzystanie z usług zewnętrznych data center. Cieszy, że ten trend dotyczy również branży medycznej, dla której bezpieczeństwo danych i ciągłość działania jest niezwykle ważna. Usługa cloud computingu pozwala na skalowalność i swobodę w działaniu szpitali i pozostałych placówek medycznych oraz zabezpiecza dane pacjentów.
Dla NEO Hospital, która dąży do wdrażania innowacyjnych rozwiązań, Polcom Data Center świadczy usługi, dzięki którym grupa może bez przeszkód realizować swoje założenia.
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