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Leader on the data processing market in Poland

Our mission is to make IT simple and better adapted to changing needs of business customers in Poland and abroad.


Part of the international BNP Paribas Group, which operates in 65 countries all over the world and has nearly 190 000 employees. UKRSIBBANK provides services through 260 branches spread across Ukraine.

Branża: Finances and banking

UkrSibbank had data centres and server rooms in two cities – Kiev and Kharkiv – which were the focus of the Russian offensive. Therefore, we decided to move our data centres to another country. Poland was the most natural choice, given the experience of the BNP Paribas Group financial group to which UkrSibbank belongs. The most important task was to set up a Disaster Recovery environment for the various systems operating in the bank.

Serhii Zagorulko Deputy chairman of the Management Board, IT Director at UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group


Nowak-Mosty is one of the leaders in the road and rail infrastructure sector, specializing in the construction of bridges, viaducts, and tunnels

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity

As one of the leaders in the bridge infrastructure construction sector in Poland, we handle vast amounts of data on a daily basis. Just like on a construction site, IT security is of paramount importance to us. Without access to our key systems, we would not be able to meet our commitments to our contractors on time, risking the most crucial aspect for us – the trust of our clients.

That’s why the aspect related to IT availability and effective data protection became crucial for us when choosing an external service provider. We decided to cooperate with Polcom because it meets the highest standards of security and quality, and having two independent data processing centers eliminates the risk of unavailability. We have gained not only a secure place for storing and processing data but also the certainty that we collaborate with a team of professionals we can rely on.

Władysław Nowak CEO


Lafarge is a manufacturer of innovative and sustainable solutions. It is part of the global Holcim Group, which operates in 70 countries. It also belongs, among others, to the French-Polish Chamber of Commerce (CCIFP).

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Polcom SaaS

At Holcim, we specialize in providing innovative and sustainable building solutions with a low carbon footprint. We have always focused on development – we are a modern company that is open to new technologies. Our daily work is based on business relationships with numerous partners and collaborators, which inevitably generates a large amount of essential business documentation.

We were looking for a solution that would allow us to share documents with a wider audience and enable real-time group management of documentation while maintaining the highest security standards. By choosing Polcom’s services, we received an optimal and secure tool that we can use in any conditions from anywhere.

Krzysztof Byczyński Executive Member of the Managing Board

Urząd Miasta Krakowa

An authority that performs the tasks entrusted by the president of the City of Cracow and implements the resolutions of the City Council

Branża: Public sector
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Uznaliśmy, że część danych, które mają charakter danych krytycznych dla organizacji, winno być chronionych w szczególny sposób – w nowoczesnym obiekcie spełniającym najwyższe standardy. Mają one wpływ na wszystkich Pracowników UMK. Migrowaliśmy do Polcom Data Center serwer poczty elektronicznej i serwer plików – korzysta z tego każdy w UMK. Są to usługi o tyle krytyczne, że bez nich nie sposób wyobrazić sobie funkcjonowania UMK na co dzień. Efektem jest większa dostępność do danych, czyli poprawa ich bezpieczeństwa.

Grzegorz Żych Dyrektor Wydziału Informatyki UMK


The largest online transaction platform in Poland

Branża: E-commerce
Kluczowa usługa: Colocation

We verified 33 data centers in Europe. The verification was conducted by an external international consulting company. Polcom won against good competitors because its services provide the greatest development possibilities and are characterized by the highest quality. What is important, Polcom team showed that it clearly understands our needs and objectives. In the end, it was a rather easy decision.

Marcin Mazurek CTO Allegro Group

DSI Underground

A leading supplier of products, systems and solutions related to mining, geotechnics, construction of tunnels, roads and windmills

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Managed Cloud Services, Polcom Cloud

A continually growing scale of provided services and number of DSI Underground, convinced us to search for a provider of IT solutions whom we could trust. Polcom offers flexible configurations, reliable infrastructure and high level of services thanks to almost 100% SLA guarantee that can be scaled freely depending on the needs of our company.

Mateusz Borkowski DSI Underground, Head of Global IT and Digital Strategy

Velvet CARE

One of the largest manufacturers of sanitary products in Poland

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Velvet Care is one of the largest manufacturers of sanitary products in Poland. It operates with an ever greater comfort of its Customers and Partners in mind. It continually searches for creative and efficient solutions so that it can efficiently react to new consumer needs and changing market. Using the services of Polcom provides Velvet Care with such opportunities.

Rafał Curyło Chief Financial Officer, Velvet CARE Board Member


An omnichannel retail chain, a leader of innovation in the FMCG sector

Branża: E-commerce, Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Conducting business which is characterized by considerable variability and of dispersed structure constitutes a great challenge. At Carrefour, we were looking for a solution that would enable us to increase IT flexibility without the need for planning investments in the infrastructure. The one that would, on the one hand, enable us to prepare all the systems for the so-called shopping peaks, but, on the other hand, make it possible to control costs, especially investment ones, in a better way.

We decided on modern cloud computing technologies and cooperation with Polcom, a trusted Polish supplier of cloud services, which made an efficient IT environment available from its two independent data processing centers. We are convinced that it will contribute to the strengthening of our position as one of the leaders of technological changes.

Michał Malanowski Director of the IT department at Carrefour Polska

BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

A universal bank that is a part of the international BNP Paribas banking group

Branża: Finances and banking
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We made a decision to establish cooperation with Polcom because we want our services to have the highest level of availability. Using the backup office and private cloud computing enables us to achieve this objective to a large extent.  Polcom’s services enable us to dynamically adjust IT infrastructure to our current needs with a simultaneous lower investment risk. As a result, they reduce the expenditures in the IT area and are simply convenient.

Piotr Chrapała Director, IT Infrastructure and Production Departament


A world leader in designing, manufacturing and selling modern vehicles

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Colocation

Colocation of our servers to Polcom Data Center enabled us to increase the level of IT infrastructure safety, which directly influences the production process continuity. Thanks to that we are certain that the possibility of failure has been limited to a minimum.

It’s worth emphasizing the fact that transferring IT infrastructure to the data center enabled us to reduce investment costs connected with the maintenance of the server room. In our opinion, Polcom has the greatest experience in the area of colocation services and perfect technical facilities, and it meets international standards related to data security while paying attention to relationships based on partnership.

Bartosz Wójcik PC and Device Support Lead, Polaris

Skanska S.A.

A group that belongs to the largest construction and property development companies in the world

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We decided to transfer our resources to the cloud in order to fully concentrate on the key elements, from the business perspective, that is on the provided services instead of infrastructure maintenance. Thanks to that we are able to respond to the changing needs of business and company’s employees in a more efficient way. The future of Skanska’s IT resources is in the cloud, whereas infrastructure migration and change in the way of its management and maintenance is the beginning of an evolution.

The key criterion for us in the IT are as well as on every construction site is safety. Apart from great flexibility and modern infrastructure, it was this very element that decided about the choice of a partner responsible for transferring Skanska’s resources to the cloud. The Polish company Polcom that apart from the highest security standards offered to us, an innovative and extremely user-friendly resource management model satisfied all these expectations.


Director of the IT Department at Skanska S.A.

Vistula Group S.A.

A company that specializes in designing and distributing clothing and jewellery

Branża: Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Vistula Group S.A is one of the leading clothing companies in Poland. The company deals with manufacturing classic men’s clothes and has a department store chain of over 170 stores.

Polcom provides us with the service of giving access to mail for the chain of branded outlets of Vistula Group S.A and of a subsidiary company W.KRUK S.A. in the Software as a Service model. The services provided by Polcom guarantee availability, any scalability of resources and flexible settlement model. The decision about cooperation with Polcom was made after an analysis of solutions within this scope available on the market. Polcom distinguishes itself from them by a high security level and professional approach. We decided to cooperate with Polcom because it is a perfect partner who supports the development of our business.

Krzysztof Korzeniowski IT Manager

Abra Meble

A leading manufacturer of furniture in Poland

Branża: E-commerce, Industry and production, Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Colocation

The IT area is particularly important for the operations of our company. Apart from brick and mortar shops, we also have an online store which is visited by 250,000 users every month.

Good IT infrastructure is essential so that both our customers and 800 employees can easily avail themselves of the platforms on an everyday basis. The key issue for us is its security and availability.

Grzegorz Krzypkowski IT Infrastructure and e-commerce Manager

Intense Group

A company that specializes in the production and deployment of IT systems

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Such solution is a measurable benefit for the Customer. The Customer receives a ready product without being unnecessarily burdened with IT architecture at a reasonable cost.

Thanks to such solution we became an even better business partner together with Polcom. We also remained faithful to our ideals. Our products and services are based on our knowledge which is open to novelty.

Marek Jurkowski Sales and Consulting Director

NEO Hospital

A group of medical units that create innovative solutions

Branża: Medicine and pharmaceutics
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Guided by the choice of an appropriate solution, we cared about providing our patients with the highest possible security level. Polcom turned out to be a reliable partner who does not only fulfil the conditions specified in the agreement, but also tries to meet our current needs.

The main objective of our activity is to create innovative medical solutions, and cooperation with Polcom helps us to execute these assumptions.

Joanna Szyman President of the Management Board at NEO Hospital


A bank that has almost 400 own and partner branches all over Poland

Branża: Finances and banking
Kluczowa usługa: Colocation, Business continuity

There are specific criteria that have to be met by banks within the scope of IT services. Ordinary investments of a bank within the IT field meeting the requirements of market regulators constitute a great challenge. Whereas professional data processing centers specializing in providing top quality IT services meet specific standards and hold certificated that confirm their high quality and are also subject to numerous security audits on a regular basis. Polcom guarantees that we meet both national and international standards as well as technical conditions. It also meets the key requirements  arising from the regulations unique for the banking sector. All that makes it the best possible choice in our opinion.


Dariusz Majka IT Project Manager

World Youth Days 2016

An event that takes place every 2, 3 or 4 years, and was launched at the initiative of John Paul II

Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Not only did Polcom gave us the access to computational power, but also the whole computer infrastructure together with software we work on every day and which is indispensable for the Committee’s operations. Thanks to that, we didn’t have to be concerned about hardware servicing and we could face the challenges of the Committee during the World Youth Days.

Michał Jedyna Communication Department, World Youth Days


A Polish manufacturer that operates in the heating and automotive industry

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Cloud computing directly influences the maintenance of production process continuity which, from our perspective, is of key importance and has an impact on the proper functioning of the whole enterprise. Polcom’s project-oriented approach towards our needs, efficient implementation, and partnership-based attitude should also be emphasized.

We are very satisfied with our cooperation with Polcom. We are sure that we can rely on technical support and post-implementation care at any time which strengthens our security and business flexibility. Polcom Data Center is a professional provider of cloud computing services.


Piotr Słanek Production Director at PROTECH

Arge Paliwa

A company that offers the sale of fuels, automotive oils and automotive accessories

Branża: Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

This cooperation allows me to recommend POLCOM S.A. as a very reliable and professional service provider that is familiar with and applies modern technologies while providing its services.  All and any activities arising from the cooperation are conducted efficiently, in a timely manner and in accordance with the concluded contract by POLCOM S.A. POLCOM S.A., thanks to enormous engagement and professionalism of its personnel, was an outstanding entity as early as during the negotiations prior to the conclusion of the contract, whereas further cooperation based on partnership did not only enable us to significantly optimize the costs related to the purchase of hardware and software but also improve the quality of our work.

Therefore, I gladly recommend POLCOM S.A. as a reliable partner.

Edyta Łabys President of the Management Board

A leader in sales of contact lenses on the territory of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe

Branża: E-commerce
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Our warehouse contains over 4 million contact lenses of renowned companies. We want the increasing number of our Customers to have access to a broad offer. To achieve this objective, we cannot afford to have any technical restrictions. Therefore, we need to perfectly adapt IT solutions in order to maintain this tendency.

The services offered by Polcom make it possible to use a fully scalable IT environment which adjusts to the current needs of the portal.

Jacek Młodawski Vice-president of the portal

Blue Brain

A technology integrator and supplier of management services and print environment optimization

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We are perfectly aware of the fact that current business reality, especially in the area of business services, requires following innovations and building unique competences which, as a result, enables us to provide customers with comprehensive services that meet their needs. In order to do so, our company is continuously developing its cooperation with foreign companies such as CompTIA or organizations such as IMPSGA, but it is also searching for top quality solutions on the Polish market, such as for example using computational power at one of the most secure centres in Poland, Polcom Data Center.

Roman Rój Vice-president at Blue Brain

BDO Solutions

A company that offers business support systems, IT solutions, advisory, consulting and training services

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

In our practice, we always do our best to adapt to the current needs of our Customers by offering them diverse, flexible cooperation models as well as a competent, multidisciplinary team of experts and consultants. The IT model as a service enables us to flexibly exploit IT architecture based on the solutions which suit company’s current needs while maintaining a guarantee of security.

Adam Kucharski Director of the Bureau at BDO Solutions:


A technology company operating since 2012, specialising in Digital Signage, Phygital and Visual Management solutions

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

I recommend Polcom as a solid, reliable and professional cloud computing provider with a partnership approach.

We chose this company because it is the market leader in the area of data storage security services. The area of adequate data security is a priority for our cooperation. We are convinced that by choosing Polcom, we are not only investing in a stable and modern IT infrastructure, but also in a partnership relationship where our clients’ objectives become the contractor’s priority. Together, we create a comprehensive service that meets both our expectations and those of the ultimate consumers 100%.

With advanced cloud computing solutions, our company gains not only flexibility, but also efficiency in managing IT resources. In addition, using cloud solutions eliminates the need to invest in our own hardware infrastructure,

Bartosz Grabowski CTO

Boryszew S.A.

A group that specializes in among other things, the manufacture of car components, and non-ferrous metal processing

Branża: Automotive, Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

I hereby confirm that Polcom with its registered office in Skawina, ul. Krakowska 43 conducts the implementation of Security Operations Center for our company within the framework of the execution of the contract. On the basis of our experience, we can recommend Polcom as a trusted and reliable partner.

Andrzej Karpiński IT Infrastructure Manager

Brenntag Group

A world leader in the distribution of chemical raw materials

Branża: Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Using the Polcom’s offer didn’t require from us any expenditures connected with the purchase of IT infrastructure. We also avoided excessive amount of hardware. Instead, we received a dedicated environment which we successfully avail ourselves of.

Jacek Fert Dyrektor Director of the IT Department


An international consulting company that deals with supporting the life science industry

Branża: Medicine and pharmaceutics
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Our migration to Polcom was a great success. Not only did it lead to the improvement of quality of our services, but also increased the level of trust among our clients.

Mondher Toumi CEO Creativ-Ceutical

DPK System

A company that specializes in the field of electronic alarm systems and IT for transport

Branża: Automotive, New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Thanks to cooperation with Polcom Data Center we are able to avail ourselves of dedicated IT systems. It provides us with real support thanks to which we are able to concentrate on business projects implemented by us rather than technical issues. It is a very beneficial solution for us.

DXC Technology

A technological company that provides IT and consulting services for corporate clients

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We are aware of the fact that there are no two identical companies or institutions, therefore each new project begins with a detailed audit and we focus on getting to know the exact expectations of the company.

We expect the same approach to business matters from our Partners. We decided to cooperate with Polcom because we gained dedicated solutions which support our development.

Łukasz Dutkiewicz Business Development Executive, Strategic Partnerships, DXC Technology


A company that specializes in the deployment of IT projects for customers in Poland and in the world

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Colocation

A continually growing scale of provided services and number of Customers of IFIRMA S.A., convinced the authorities to search for a provider of IT solutions whom they could trust. Out of all facilities considered, we chose Polcom Data Center. It was a good solution which we are satisfied with.

Wojciech Narczyński President of the Management Board at IFIRMA S.A.


A supplier of IT solutions for business that supports particular fields of corporate management

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Baseline is a producer of innovative CRM software, Electronic Circulation of Documents and Mobile Applications. Baseline™ software was created with the most demanding customers in mind. All the sales processes are designed according to a real demand and business goals of an enterprise.

Polcom provides us with the services of giving access to cloud environment for the Baseline™ platform. Thanks to cloud computing at Polcom we gain a guarantee of availability and virtually unlimited scalability of resources which is important within the scope of satisfying our customers’ needs. Polcom Data Center means high security level which directly translates to the standard of service provision for end-customers of Baseline.

Piotr Musiał Managing Director at Baseline


A Polish logistic operator providing comprehensive service of the supply chain

Branża: Transportation and logistics
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

The fully functional IT platform offered by Polcom provides us with full business flexibility while adapting to our needs that change over time. It allowed us to optimize the costs which we would have to incur during further expansion and maintenance of our own server room.

We are also certain that our data are protected in a proper way, and the continuity of operations of our IT systems will be preserved. Technical support offered and ongoing contact with the Polcom’s team indicate highest diligence and attention paid to every aspect of the service.



Sławomir Wyskiel IT Specialitst at KMC-Services

Maflow Group

A manufacturer of air-conditioning ducts and other applications which ensure the transport of liquids and gases in vehicles

Branża: Automotive, Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Before making a decision about migration of a system that was of key importance for us to cloud environment we had conducted a detailed analysis of many models and solutions available on the market. Due to the fact that optimization of investment costs and maintenance of continuity of operations of systems supporting production in our factories was a key element was for us, we decided to choose cloud computing at Polcom Data Center. Polcom guarantees the highest level of security of services and project-oriented approach at every stage.

Lech Barszczewski IT Director


A part of the NN Group which is one of the leading insurance companies

Branża: Finances and banking
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity, Polcom Cloud

We cooperated with Polcom for 5 years. Many times, we had an opportunity to witness the highest quality of services provided by Polcom. We were positively assessed by many auditors and other institutions which we are subject to. The services provided by Polcom supported us in providing our customers with a continuous access to systems and applications and help to guarantee data security on the highest level.

Our solutions are compliant with the legal requirements that are binding on insurance companies, and guidelines of the Financial Supervision Authority. We are also certain that our data are protected in a proper way, whereas continuity of operations of IT systems will be maintained. Technical support offered and regular contact with Polcom’s team, in my opinion, prove the highest carefulness and attention to every aspect of the service.

Paweł Giza Vice-president of the Board at Nationale-Nederlanden

Grupa Nowy Styl

A European leader within the furniture solutions for public utility office space

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Nowy Styl Group would like to use cross-cuttings services supporting business development. We are a satisfied user of the solutions offered by Polcom. Properly selected components and parameters of IT environment which adapt to the current needs of our enterprise enable us to successfully exploit dedicated solutions. We received proper quality together with measurable savings.

Piotr Ziemiański Chief of IT Infrastructure at Nowy Styl Group


A special purpose fund that conducts activity to the benefit of the disabled persons

Branża: Public sector
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Cloud computing Cloud computing is definitely the most advantageous solution for Support Service System which is continuously developing. Thanks to cloud computing scalability we can easily properly react to social needs by implementing new support programs on the platform which results in the increase in availability of support of the Fund for Disabled Persons.

Having at our disposal independent and scalable infrastructure, operating 24/7, we are able to offer electronic application for financial resources without leaving home and possibility of remote service of applicants by self-governmental units which became particularly significant in the period of restrictions. While making a decision about Polcom’s cloud computing services, we were guided by the conviction that it will be a secure and cost-optimal solution. Thanks to cost optimization, we are able to invest saved resources in increasing support for persons with disabilities, therefore we are becoming more and more convinced that choosing cloud computing was a good decision.

Dr Dariusz Łazar Project manager of the Service Support System, Department of Programs of the Fund

Grupa Polimex Mostostal

One of the largest engineering and construction companies in Poland

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

IT environment migration to an external server room will enable us to optimize IT infrastructure management.  In view of the company’s strategy concentrated, to a large extent, on a continuous cost optimization and increase in business stability, we decided to migrate our key IT systems to the data center. For us, it means, above all, that we will not have to incur the investment risk related to the development of IT infrastructure and that IT infrastructure will be dynamically adapted to our changing needs. For us, such attitude means real savings and additional 24/7/365 support of Polcom’s specialists.

Tomasz Pierzchała Director of the IT Bureau Polimex – Mostostal


A company that concentrates on the deployment of the IT technology in the field of hardware infrastructure and network solutions

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

S&T is a consulting company that offers IT design and implementation services, outsourcing and 24/7/365 support for customers from the following sectors: public administration, banking, insurances, distribution, education, retail, public utility institutions, industry and research units. One of the most important areas of our services is comprehensive implementation of SAP systems. Together with Polcom we provide our customers with a comprehensive service which consists in full implementation, service management and support, and provision of IT infrastructure essential for the cloud computing model.

Thanks to that the customer receives a full scope of IT service while optimizing costs and gaining time to focus on their main business activity.  We chose Polcom as our cooperating party because of reliable cloud computing architecture built on the basis of two data centers and project-oriented approach based on partnership. We can recommend Polcom as a trusted and reliable provider.

Michał Wilbrandt Business Soulutions Unit Director


A company that deals with providing banks with comprehensive services within the scope of providing systems, services and technologies

Branża: Finances and banking, New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity

We have cooperated with Polcom for a few years and this activity yields benefits. We are positively assessed by numerous auditors and other institutions which we are subject to. We provide our customers with a continuous access to systems and applications, guarantee security and cybersecurity on the highest level. Our solutions are compliant with the banking law and guidelines. Together with Polcom, we create better, advanced standards for the banking sector.

Andrzej Data President of the Management Board at SoftNet

Sfinks Polska

The largest restaurant company from the casual dining sector

Branża: Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

The reason why we decided to migrate to the cloud environment of Polcom Data Center was willingness to increase security of our systems. We wanted them to be available for our customers and employees.

On the other hand, we also conducted an analysis of costs of maintenance of our own server room which indicated that the service model offered by POLCOM would enable us to significantly optimize IT investment costs. In this situation the decision was obvious. We can recommend Polcom Data Center as a trusted and reliable provider of cloud computing services.

Grzegorz Dziekan Director of the IT Department at Sfinks Polska

Summa Linguae

A translation agency and language and technological service provider

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Summa Linguae is more than a translation agency. It’s an international group of companies with their headquarters in Poland, Romania and India, characterized by an innovative approach to the translation and language localization processes. Our team is created by over 130 employees, and the company is listed on the stock exchange as the only translation agency in Poland.

We try to exploit whatever is best in technologies in order to support international development of our customers’ businesses. That is why we decided to cooperate with Polcom. Modern and secure cloud computing architecture of Polcom supports our business and enables us to develop freely.

Krzysztof Zdanowski President of the Management Board

Sweco Engineering

A company that is a part of the Sweco group which is one of the largest consulting and design companies in Europe

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Colocation

On an everyday basis, we try to exploit the latest technological solutions supporting business development in order to manage our resources in a more efficient way. I may boldly say that colocation of our servers to Polcom enabled us to increase security of our IT infrastructure.

An array of security features, elements of physical protection or the very location of Polcom Data Center on a completely secure area are the factors which we could not ensure ourselves while maintaining reasonable costs. Optimization of the investment expenditures connected with the maintenance of the server room is equally significant. We decided to choose Polcom because in our opinion it has the greatest experience in the field of colocation services and perfect technical facilities.



Marcin Nawara IT Team Manager at Sweco Engineering


A company that offers IT systems for business within the scope of credit, reporting, recovery and insurance services

Branża: Finances and banking, New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Vsoft provides services to customers from, among other things, the financial sector, that is why security of provided services in the cloud is our priority. We chose Polcom because it meets all and any standards of the security system management in the cloud model. Project-oriented approach of the Polcom’s team, constant care and quick reaction to reported business needs deserve a special mention. Efficient communication and partnership-based approach based make us certain that our needs will be satisfied in an efficient and effective way. Polcom is a reliable provider of cloud computing services on the highest international level.

Michał Krzyżanowski Key Account Manager at VSoft

Glen sp. z o.o.

An IT company that specializes in selling mobile devices and solutions based on them

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Szukaliśmy wsparcia na potrzeby naszego systemu już od jakiegoś czasu, przeglądając i analizując oferty serwerowni w Polsce i za granicą. Jesteśmy niedużą firmą, według standardów unijnych mikroprzedsiębiorstwem, ale sposób podejścia do takiego klienta jak my, elastyczność w negocjacjach i poziom obsługi zdecydowanie wyróżniają firmę Polcom na rynku.

Jacek Wójtowicz Prezes Zarządu Glen Sp. z o.o.


Legal bookmaker who has been providing mutual betting services in countries around the world for many years

Branża: E-commerce, Finances and banking
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity

The decision to place our resources with Polcom was by no means accidental – we are specialists in our profession and strictly follow the legal and market requirements imposed on us. It is clear that we expected the same approach from our business partner, and a thorough market analysis showed that Polcom met our expectations.

We have gained bith a secure place to store and process data, and also the certainty that we are working with a team of professionals who are a huge support to us. Polcom supports us in complying with the requirements of the regulator, as well as ensuring the continuity of our systems – which is, after all, crucial for online business. I can say without hesitation that this cooperation allows us to fully focus on the company’s business development and take advantage of all the opportunities arising from new IT technologies, being confident about the IT infrastructure.

Iwona Gniech-Janicka Head of Development & IT


Service industry company dedicated to improving waste management processes

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Migration to cloud, Business continuity, IT Security, Polcom Cloud

When choosing a cloud provider, we were primarily guided by the high level of data security. We wanted our resources to be protected not only from cyber-attacks, but also from natural disasters.

Polcom Cloud is a solution that is fully tailored to our needs and that we can use under any conditions and from any location – as we found out during pandemics and recurring lockdowns. In our company, we are guided by the words: by acting together, we gain doubly, and this is also the approach we encountered from Polcom.

Michał Radołowicz Technical Director


Leading manufacturer of children’s and sports smartwatches

Branża: E-commerce
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity

We are a leading manufacturer of children’s and sports smartwatches, with beauty devices for home care being an important segment of our product offering. In our industry, the highest quality of products offered is crucial, but not only that.

To remain competitive in the market, we cannot afford production downtime or unavailability of our online store for our customers. That is why we have decided to implement cloud solutions offered by Polcom. This solution not only provides us with continuous operation but is also fully secure and tailored to our needs. We highly recommend Polcom as a reliable partner.

Justyna Nowak Manager


Grembox is a producer and distributor of packaging materials, in particular corrugated cardboard boxes with over 20 years of experience in the industry

Branża: E-commerce, Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity, IT Security, Polcom Cloud

At Grembox, we distribute packaging materials and produce cardboard packaging. In order to remain competitive in the market, we could not afford not to have our online shop available or downtime in production or warehouse logistics generating both financial and image losses. Therefore, we decided to move our systems to the cloud.

As a result, we have gained a guarantee of business continuity, cost optimisation and scalability – and thus an adjustment to the company’s current needs. Our resources have been secured in accordance with current quality and security standards, and we can fully focus on the operation and development of our company.

Mateusz Bochenek CEO

KFA Armatura

Producer of modern solutions in the area of sanitary and heating fittings

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity, Polcom Cloud

KFA Armatura is a modern company with firmly rooted values. Almost a century of market presence is the result of not only a commitment to quality, but continuous development and improvement of our products. We have not been hindered in the realization of our goals by the pandemic, which unfortunately proved to be a test of business survival for many companies. In my opinion, Polcom Cloud has greatly facilitated our task – regardless of market fluctuations, we are prepared to meet the current needs of customers, and we also have a guarantee of maintaining the continuity of our business without worrying about cost increases. This is a particularly important aspect in our industry, and given the enormous competitiveness of the market, any downtime exposes us to the loss of a potential customer.

So the conclusion is one – openness to new technologies is key in a world that is changing so rapidly, and is now also digitizing at an incredibly fast pace.

Jarosław Grzona Head of IT Department


Leading manufacturer and distributor of sports, fitness and garden supplies

Branża: E-commerce, Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

At SPRINGOS, we are constantly trying to improve our processes to meet the demands of our customers and the changing market. Flexibility, data security and the ability to respond quickly are the aspects in which our business is effectively helped by Polcom’s cloud computing service.

We are open to all innovations in digitization processes and strive to use them effectively. We realize that moving all processes to the cloud is a challenge and may involve some risks, but Polcom is not only a service provider, but first and foremost a business partner who always helps us find the best solution for us.

Mateusz Szprengier CEO


A company that specializes in providing heat supply services in the area of Bielsko-Biała

Branża: Public sector
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity, IT Security, Polcom Cloud

Therma is a company for which business continuity is crucial, and this is due to at least two reasons: we supply heat to the citizens of Bielsko-Biała and we want to do it in an uninterrupted manner, and we also care about constant contact with our customers, who have access to their documents as well as can communicate with us via eBOK (Electronic Customer Service Office).

These goals are supported by Polcom, which provides cloud services for us. We received a solution fully tailored to our needs, which not only gives us confidence in the availability of resources, but also – and perhaps most importantly – in the security of our customers’ sensitive data.

In addition, being a municipal enterprise, we are subject to specific regulators whose requirements must be strictly implemented. Numerous certifications, cyclic audits and a high level of security ensure that we meet these requirements without hindrance.

Maciej Łysoń Head of IT Department

Tank Wash

The company’s main business is washing tank cars and trucks, as well as performing specialized disinfection

Branża: Automotive
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity

At Tank Wash Group, we are committed to the highest quality of service, because we realise how much depends on the cleanliness of the vehicle – I am thinking, for example, of the cleanliness of tankers or silos in which food products are often transported.

Polcom has been successfully supporting us in these activities for years. Cost optimisation, which we can afford thanks to this cooperation, provides opportunities for the continuous development of our services. In turn, the preservation of business continuity – which, from the perspective of a company closely linked to the automotive industry, is a very important benefit and a guarantee that we meet our customers’ expectations.

Piotr Mrozek CEO, Tank Wash

Work Style

E-commerce company, specializes in selling high-quality clothing, footwear and accessories for work and outdoor activities

Branża: E-commerce
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity, Polcom Cloud

In the e-commerce industry, system uptime is a crucial aspect. Even the shortest downtime of the purchasing platform would result in difficult-to-estimate losses – not only financial, but also, perhaps most importantly, in terms of brand image.

The quality of services provided is extremely important to us, which is why we have decided to implement cloud computing, and we have chosen Polcom as our business partner. Thanks to the cloud, we have the ability to scale our resources unlimitedly according to our current needs and changes in the market. Additionally, we are confident about the continuous operation of our e-commerce platform and can fully focus on developing our services.

Wojciech Feluś Owner at Work Style

Grupa Refleks

Firma produkcyjna działająca na rynku komponentów przeznaczonych do urządzeń gospodarstwa domowego

Branża: Industry and production, Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

The migration of IT infrastructure to the Polcom cloud, allowed us to gain full business flexibility and freedom to plan the next steps in the development of our business. The migration of Comarch XL ERP and WMS Logistic systems went smoothly and comprehensively. The project-oriented approach of the Polcom team, efficient communication and quick response to the reported needs deserve special mention. The increased level of data security and continuous accessibility to key systems and applications attest to the highest level of cloud computing service provision.

Adam Ptasiński Director of IT and Implementation, Grupa Refleks


Supplier of disposable medical equipment, operating in the medical industry for over 30 years.

Branża: Industry and production, Medicine and pharmaceutics
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity, IT Security

INTERGOS, as an importer and trading company in the field of disposable medical products, offers a wide range of products, supplying the demanding healthcare market. Due to the nature of our operations, we cannot afford any disruptions or interruptions in the functioning of key systems. Therefore, we have made the decision to migrate our IT resources to the Polcom cloud. This decision coincided with the implementation process of a new system that required specialized knowledge and individual approach from Polcom engineers. Our primary focus was on enhancing security and receiving comprehensive support from a professional data center.

Collaborating with Polcom provides us with the practical assurance of proper data and process protection, as well as safeguarding our systems against any operational interruptions.

Anna Wincencik CEO


Telbit Teleinformatyka delivers specialized solutions in the field of dedicated software, low-current installations, and also offers and services fiscal cash registers.

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

I recommend Polcom as a reliable and professional provider of cloud services with a partnership approach. We decided to collaborate because, like any IT company, the security of our IT systems is a crucial aspect for us.

Working with Polcom has given us the assurance that our corporate data is protected according to international standards. With cloud services, our company has gained flexibility in managing IT resources while optimizing costs associated with purchasing and maintaining our own IT infrastructure. Polcom’s modern solutions have helped us increase the efficiency of our business processes and improve the quality of our services.

Maciej Chęć CEO

Kancelaria Podatkowa NOTUS

The law firm acts as a representative in tax matters, significantly reducing the need for personal interactions between the client and tax authorities

Branża: Finances and banking
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity

As a tax advisory firm, we handle a vast amount of sensitive data from our clients on a daily basis. Due to this, we must meet specific requirements imposed by market regulators. Therefore, we have decided to entrust our resources to a specialized data center. We chose Polcom because it meets key security standards, as confirmed by numerous audits and certifications. This ensures that we comply with the GDPR requirements and utilize a properly secured and fully scalable IT environment tailored to our business needs.

Adrianna Nowak The owner


Meblomex is a furniture manufacturer with many years of tradition and experience

Branża: Industry and production, Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Our company specializes in the production of furniture for public facilities such as offices, hotels and shopping malls. We provide comprehensive implementation of projects, from professional technical consulting to logistics, transportation and installation of furniture. In order to optimize the operation of our business, we decided to migrate to the Polcom cloud. The choice of cloud solutions brought us many benefits, including flexibility, scalability, data security. Cloud computing has allowed us to focus on our core business, which is furniture design and manufacturing, without worrying about maintaining our IT infrastructure. As a result, we can execute projects more efficiently, maintaining the trust of our customers and steadily increasing our competitive advantage.

Anna Żmuda Company representative

Marketing Investment Group

Marketing Investment Group S.A. is an international company, operating in the retail fashion industry for more than 30 years

Branża: E-commerce
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Disaster Recovery

We are building a network of Sizeer, 50 style and Symbiosis multibrand stores. We are part of the JD Sports group of one of the most popular distributors of clothing, apparel and accessories of top brands in the streetwear, outdoor, sports and fashion segments. Thanks to years of experience and cooperation with the best specialists, we run fashion concepts tailored to the needs of a wide range of customers.

We take advantage of new technologies to constantly meet the growing demands of our customers and provide solutions of the highest quality.

Polcom helps us take care of the security of our most sensitive IT systems. Implementing Disaster Recovery service for our systems and applications gives us a guarantee of business continuity and secure operation of the company, without fear of losing key data.

Our experience with Polcom indicates that it is a reliable, trustworthy partner that provides flexible, tailor-made cloud services at the highest level.

Wojciech Śpiewak IT Director


EXBUD is a steel structure manufacturing company with over 45 years of experience

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity, Polcom Cloud

We are a company that operates in accordance with the principles of sustainability, which is why we made the decision to migrate our IT resources to the Polcom cloud. Employee security is an absolute priority for us and for this reason we wanted our data to be protected according to global standards. By using cloud computing, we have achieved two key benefits: increasing our ability to to maintain business continuity and improved scalability. In the construction industry, we often run a large number of projects simultaneously, so these aspects are invaluable to us. So we can’t afford downtime or failures of key systems. For us, Polcom is not only a reliable partner, but also a provider of innovative solutions that are environmentally friendly.

Tomasz Barszcz CEO


Platforma low-code służąca do tworzenia aplikacji biznesowych

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Business continuity, Polcom Cloud

5DAYS is a low-code platform used for developing applications for business, which enables easy and, above all, fast modeling of business processes. It was created with the most demanding customers in mind. The distribution model of our solution is based on SaaS (Software as a Service) – so you can use it from practically any place that has access to the Internet.

Polcom provides us a fully scalable resource of computing power in the cloud, so we are able to continuously develop and improve our software. What’s more, with Polcom Cloud we have also reduced our investment costs, as we don’t have to develop our own IT infrastructure, which can be costly. Also, we opted for cloud services for security reasons, which is an absolute priority for us.

Radosław Sroczyński CEO

Medicus Bonus

A private specialty hospital in Sroda Wlkp. and a network of outpatient clinics throughout Greater Poland

Branża: Medicine and pharmaceutics
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We know how important patient comfort is to the recovery process, which is why we decided to use cloud computing services to ensure the highest level of availability of our services and to increase the security of the ever-increasing volume of processed data.

Polcom has ideally proven itself as a reliable business partner that is able to adapt its services to the changing needs of the medical unit. The project-based approach and comprehensive technical support enabled us to focus on the core business of the Medicus-Bonus hospital and specialty clinics – treating people – without worrying about our IT.

Krzysztof Galbas MD


Leading manufacturer of fluid transmission lines for passenger cars

Branża: Automotive, Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We develop comprehensive solutions for our customers in the design and manufacture of automotive components. The challenges posed by our customers require constant commitment and investment in proven and reliable solutions. We can’t afford production line downtime, which could directly reduce Fertinger’s market position. Thanks to Polcom cloud computing, we have gained flexibility, which is extremely important for manufacturing companies. We have also significantly increased the level of security of the IT infrastructure we use, as well as the availability of key systems and applications that are a priority for the stability of our production process. We recommend Polcom as a reliable business partner that supports the development of companies.

Maciej Grochowski Plant Director


Modern medical centre in Gliwice

Branża: Medicine and pharmaceutics
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

GlivClinic is an innovative medical centre, created with every patient in mind. We offer a wide range of specialists from different fields of medicine, ready to use their knowledge and experience to help you at every stage of your health journey.

Our partnership with Polcom has given us a guarantee of business continuity and provided us with a fully scalable environment, tailored to our current needs. The project-based approach to the client and the support from Polcom specialists at every stage of the project deserve special recognition.

Sławomir Zółkiewski CEO


Polish market leader in comprehensive solutions dedicated to companies and accounting offices

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity

Our product is growing rapidly and our users expect high availability, performance and security. Currently, our system automatically reads more than 4 million documents per month for more than 100,000 users. We have already been working with Polcom since 2017 because of the high standard of the colocation service and the possibility of using two independent centres for servers and data. Due to the rapid growth of our application in 2022, we decided to use Polcom Cloud services. This allowed us to provide the expected level of scalability for our environments currently half of our utilised resources are shared with Polcom Cloud.

Krzysztof Wojtas CEO


For more than 30 years, the company has focused on providing the highest quality B2B concepts and solutions for the HoReCa sector

Branża: Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We provide comprehensive solutions for our HoReCa customers – from the technological design phase of the premises through equipment provision to training in coffee and ice cream production. For more than 30 years, we have focused on delivering the highest level of service, including through 24/7 maintenance. We decided to migrate to the Polcom cloud because, with the ever-increasing amount of data being processed, it was crucial for us to properly secure our resources. Reducing the risks associated with interruptions in the continuity of our key systems was also important.

Polcom is a reliable partner who, like us, provides a project-based approach and support at every stage of the service provision. Thanks to cloud solutions, we have automated processes related to IT infrastructure management and optimised the resulting costs. This has enabled us to fully focus on our business and building a competitive advantage.

Marek Robacha Board Member


The company extrudes plastic profiles and tubes in Europe, America, Asia and the Pacific

Branża: Industry and production
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity

A global market presence does not mean a one-size-fits-all approach to every project. We understand the variation between specific regions and make every effort to build local values tailored to the needs of the area. We develop dedicated solutions together with our clients, and with our commitment and uncompromising approach to service quality, we can develop projects around the world.

For a company focused on innovation, migration to the cloud is the natural order of things. We chose Polcom as our IT partner because, like us, it offers a project-based approach and business-specific services. This collaboration has enabled us not only to increase flexibility and availability, which is extremely important for a company in our industry, but also to optimise costs. This, in turn, allows us to put the money saved towards other goals – directly related to the development of our company and building competitive advantages.

Tomasz Tarnowski Managing director


Polish producer of WMS class systems

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud, Business continuity

As a team of experienced experts, we offer WMS-class software that supports our customers in the daily management of their business. Our approach to digital transformation is based on a long-term view of technological development and a comprehensive approach to the process. From our perspective, the most important aspects of working with Polcom are the guarantee of security of our customers’ sensitive data and the complementarity of the solution. This means that we can provide the service of implementing and maintaining the system under a single contract.

Michał Wojno CEO


Provider of modern IT solutions for business

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We specialize in providing comprehensive IT solutions for businesses. Our company constantly invests in expanding our knowledge and developing our offer by establishing cooperation with leading suppliers of modern technologies, such as Dell, Lenovo, Toshiba, Sharp, Brother, Konica Minolta, Oki, Microsoft, Soneta/enova365, Barracuda, and many others. We chose to work with Polcom because we are convinced that cloud computing provides unlimited scalability of resources and guarantees the continuity of our systems. We recommend Polcom as a partner that can support many organizations’ growth and digital transformation.

Michał Ignaczak Attorney


The company focuses on the implementation of ICT technologies in the areas of network solutions, hardware infrastructure, data centers, and cybersecurity

Branża: New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

I can confidently recommend Polcom as a reliable Platform as a Service provider. The professional knowledge of the experts and the excellent quality of communication made cooperation with them not only a guarantee of effective project implementation but also a positive experience. Thanks to Polcom’s flexible solutions and professional approach, we have full confidence that the ERP system at Warszawskie Metro will operate continuously and efficiently, meeting the highest quality standards. This cooperation has allowed us to focus on our core business tasks, confident that our IT infrastructure is in the best hands and that our client’s needs and requirements are always properly considered and implemented.

Agnieszka Małachowska INFOR ERP Segment Director


One of the first cosmetics companies in Poland, now one of the main companies on the Polish cosmetics market

Branża: Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

Miraculum is a pioneer in breakthrough technologies to combat the signs of skin aging. Miraculum’s portfolio includes face and body care cosmetics, perfumes, depilatory and make-up products. We decided to migrate to Polcom mainly to maintain the continuity of our environment. Despite the limited time available, the whole process was quick and efficient. Working with Polcom allows us to adapt our IT infrastructure to our current needs, thus strengthening our business flexibility.

Sławomir Ziemski CEO


One of the largest clothing companies in Poland

Branża: E-commerce, Retail i FMCG
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

We confirm our partnership with Polcom. Our brand has always emphasized quality and reliability in the design process and customer service. Therefore, when looking for a partner to support our IT infrastructure, we were keen to find a company that shared the same values.

The implementation of cloud services by Polcom has brought us many benefits. First and foremost, thanks to their advanced solutions, our online shop runs smoothly, which is extremely important in the dynamic world of e-commerce, where every second of downtime can result in losses. In addition, Polcom provides us with the highest level of data security, which gives our customers the confidence that their privacy is protected.

An extremely important feature of Polcom is its flexibility and scalability. They allow us to dynamically adapt our IT infrastructure to current needs, which significantly reduces investment risk and allows us to focus on our core task – designing men’s fashion. Whether we are faced with an unexpected surge in website traffic or need additional resources during a marketing campaign, Polcoms provides us with the necessary flexibility to meet any challenge.

It should also be emphasized that working with Polcom means not only using their services but also benefiting from professional technical support. Their team of experts is always ready to help with any problems or questions regarding our IT infrastructure, which gives us peace of mind and confidence that our shop is always running smoothly and without disruption.

Overall, for us, working with Polcom is not only an investment in cutting-edge technology solutions, but also a strategic partnership based on shared values. With their support, we can focus on growing our business and providing our customers with the best products and services, knowing that our IT infrastructure is in the best hands.

Aneta Wiewióra E-commerce & Customer Relationship Manager

KGK Trend

A fast-growing technology company that specialises in the manufacture and sale of innovative products under the Neno and Xblitz brands

Branża: Industry and production, New technologies
Kluczowa usługa: Polcom Cloud

The decision to migrate our key resources to Polcom’s cloud was a strategic one that has brought numerous benefits to KGK Trend. The flexible and scalable cloud infrastructure enables us to efficiently adapt our IT resources to our rapidly growing needs, significantly streamlining our production processes. The advanced security mechanisms offered by Polcom have increased the security of our data, allowing us to protect sensitive customer and product information. The availability of resources from anywhere at any time has supported our operational efficiency.

Furthermore, migrating to the cloud has facilitated cost savings through the elimination of the necessity to invest in expensive on-premises infrastructure. This has enabled us to direct our attention to innovation and new product development while maintaining the high standards of customer service for which we are known.

Artur Gondek CFO