

Polcom is all about people

They are behind high quality of services and take care of their provision.

If you want to join a nice, close-knit team, it is a place for you!

30 years of experience

specialists in the team

customers from all over the world

Kamila Grzesiak

I value in Polcom great atmosphere, possibility of continuous development and gaining new experiences the most. There is definitely no place for monotony here! As a result, it is never boring 🙂 That is why I, as well as many other people, have worked here for many years – I think it is the best showcase of the company.

Kamila Grzesiak Director of the Department of Settlements and Invoicing
Damian Nowaczyk

I have been working at Polcom for several years. Despite long seniority, I still have an opportunity to continuously develop and improve my qualifications which is particularly important to me. I have at my disposal modern technological environment and support of people full of engagement and knowledge. Working at Polcom enabled me to adopt an appropriate direction of development thanks to which I can, with clear conscience, say that this job is my passion.

Damian Nowaczyk Deputy Director of the Data Center Department for Programming and Automation

At Polcom we are defined by

Friendly atmosphere and a close-knit team Friendly atmosphere and a close-knit team
Open internal communication Open internal communication
Opportunity to develop and work with the latest IT technologies Opportunity to develop and work with the latest IT technologies

Our motto is as follows

We look for the best solutions,
we do not look for excuses.

Job opportunities